Cossatot River School District adheres to all state standards as required by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education. In addition, we strive to ensure our students are taught innovative life skills so that they can graduate college or career ready to be responsible members of a global society. We encourage independent, critical thinking for our students without forcing indoctrination in the process. We pride ourselves on prioritizing high-quality, traditional instruction consistent with state requirements and community values. Over the past two years, we have adopted new literacy programs for both K-6 and 7-12 called Benchmark and myPerspectives, respectively. Both of these literacy programs are aligned and consistent with the Science of Reading. Beginning the 2023-2024 school year, we will begin implementing Illustrative Mathematics as our district-wide math curriculum program. This program will align our math instruction across the district. All of our new curriculum programs come with initial and ongoing training and ensure teachers no longer have to search the Internet to find materials to deliver instruction. In addition, both new programs will come with books and materials so that technology can supplement instruction, not replace it entirely. This, coupled with our new K-6 alignment, ensure students receive the same instructional materials at the same time K-12. Currently, the district uses the following programs to meet the state standards for our students:

Grades K - 2

Phonemic Awareness- Heggerty

Phonics- Saxon Phonics

Upper Strands of the Rope- Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary Benchmark

Mystery Science, Savvas Interactive Science

Social Studies- Studies Weekly

Grades 3 -6

Literacy- Benchmark

Go Math

Science Savvas Interactive Science

Social Studies- Scholastic

Grades 7 - 12

7-8 Math- McGraw Hill, Get More Math, Teacher Created, Go Math

Algebra 1, 2, Geometry- Get More Math, Delta Math, Teacher Created, McGraw Hill

Trigonometry- Pearson, Addison, Wesley

Literacy - myPerspectives

Science: Biology/Physical Science- Prentice Hall

Social Studies: Teacher Notes