Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Phoebe Pinson: I teach 7-12 Social Studies on the Umpire Campus. I have been teaching for 18 years. I began my teaching career on the Wickes campus in 2004 and came to Umpire in 2010. I am a graduate of Umpire High School, so I am excited to be here. In addition to teaching, my husband Bobby and I have a farm in Langley, where we raise cattle and poultry. When we get away from the farm, we love to fish and ride in the mountains. I also love ALL things history! I spend my free time exploring and researching local history. I have two sons and a daughter-in-law (Zack, Desmond and Yaremi) and one precious grandbaby, Luna- age 3. I love my students! Stay tuned for more great Staff Spotlight posts! 🦅 We are Unique. 🦅 We are United. 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Come out and enjoy an evening of festive music at the CRHS Choir and Band Christmas Concert!
about 3 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Christmas Concert
Everyone is invited!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Vandervoort Elementary is proud to announce its "Character Kids of the Month" for November. The word of the month is "Honesty." The November Character Kids are: (pictured 1st row from left to right) Kye Sellers, Kamden Baker (second row) Sophia Williams, Jonathan Tabor, Cedric Rogers, Kimberly Stephens (third row) Fred Long, Autumn Dunn, Sydni Hutson, Falynn Ward. Not pictured are Karley Flores, Everly McVay, and Max Watkins.
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Come cheer on our Eagles and Lady Eagles tonight!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Arkansas FFA Trap Shooting Contest: 1st in Southern District 8th Overall Great Job!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Callie Miller: I actually don't work for the school district but for the Educational Co-Op as a Speech Language Pathology- Assistant. February will be my 11th year with the Co-Op and 10th year at Cossatot River. I live in De Queen on our family cattle farm with my 12 year old son, Michael. We are actively involved in our church and I serve as the Sevier County Chamber of Commerce President. I attended college at Ouachita Baptist University but could not wait to get home and start a career. I loved CRSD so much that when I was sent to work elsewhere for a year in 2016, I begged Mr. Ponder to let me come back to Wickes because I missed it that much! Stay tuned for more great Staff Spotlight posts! 🦅 We are Unique. 🦅 We are United. 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Maddie Johnston vs DQ, Aspen Johnson vs Blevins, Laci Dixon vs Ashdown in Nashville Tournament, Charlie Tadlock vs Nevada in Nashville Tournament. Thanks to Tyson, Union Bank, Scotty's, The Coffee Vault, Miller's Paint & Body, Cove Supply, Baja Rios, The Family of Rachel Norman.
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
FCCLA members from CRHS are hosting a Stocking Stuffer Drive to benefit our local CASA organization. We will be collecting stocking stuffer items for 46 children of ALL ages, as well as monetary donations, from Nov 17-Dec 3. See the flyer for ideas and locations!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
From Coach Cartwright: "Team managers never get the credit they deserve. They do all the thankless tasks that make coaches and team members lives easier. Levi Ward has been a great asset and we are proud to have him on our team. Thanks young man for all your hard work." CRSD thank you Levi!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Players of the Game! Tallan Richardson vs Mena, Dillon Loving vs Caddo Hills. Thank you to our sponsors Tyson, Union Bank, Scotty's, The Coffee Vault, Miller's Paint & Body LLC, Cove Supply Inc, Baja Rios, The Family of Rachel Norman.
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
We are very proud to announce the hiring of our new nurse for the Umpire Campus, Mrs. JoAnna Bobo! "I have been married to a wonderful man for 27 years. We have two grown children. I live North of Dierks about 10 minutes from the Umpire School Campus. I have been a nurse for 13 years and four of those years have been school nursing. I love to craft and work with my cricut. I like to repurpose furniture and make old things beautiful again. I am so excited to be part of the CRSD team and look forward to this journey." Please help us welcome JoAnna Bobo to our school district! 🦅 We are Unique. 🦅 We are United. 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations! The Umpire Campus has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as a school where students demonstrated high growth on the ACT Aspire! The Umpire Campus received the following awards: High Overall Growth (Southwest Region) High ELA Growth (Southwest Region) Congratulations to the staff, students, and parents at our Umpire Campus! All of campuses do a wonderful job educating our students, and growth is an amazing success story to celebrate!
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River Jr High Quiz Bowl placed 3rd in the De Queen Invitational tournament! Pictured are front row Kaylee Ward and Karley Loveless. Back row are Riley Dunn, Bradley Wade, Kyler McKee, Adam Seigrist, and Bradley Harwood.
about 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River School District participated in the “Holiday Cards 4 Our Military” Challenge (HCMC) and submitted over 850 cards this year! HCMC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created in 2017. The goal of the HCMC is to provide holiday cards for as many active duty military service members as possible.
about 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
Thank you to our Veterans!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
The NHS students are sponsoring our annual canned food drive at CRHS to support the backpack program! We would appreciate your support!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Veterans Day Program at Vandervoort Elementary!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
VES Veterans Day 21
Congratulations! Wickes Elementary School has been recognized by the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas as a school where students demonstrated high growth on the ACT Aspire! Wickes Elementary School received the following awards: High Overall Growth (Southwest Region) High Math Growth (Southwest Region) High ELA Growth (Southwest Region)
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Veteran's Day Breakfast and Program at Wickes Elementary.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
WES Veteran's Day 2021