Check out this flyer for ways to watch Eagle Basketball home games all year long!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
CRHS students received report cards this morning which included final grades from the first nine weeks of the school year. Report cards and student grades may be viewed anytime by using the following link:
over 3 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Report Cards
Cossatot River High School Golf Teams were recognized last week at the October Board Meeting by Superintendent Tyler Broyles as the recipients of the Cossatot River Pride certificate. These student athletes practice 2 to 3 days a week all summer long with golf matches beginning in August and continuing until October. Our golf teams play at various locations and host tournaments at the DeQueen Country Club. Congratulations to our CRHS Golf teams! 🦅We are Unique. 🦅We are United. 🦅We are Cossatot River Strong!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
CRHS Golf Teams 2021
Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Emma Parkin: "I am the nurse at Vandervoort Elementary. I'm married to Jason Parkin. I have 4 kids, Kaytlynn, Rainey, Brennan, and Brayden. I have 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 fish, and 6 chickens. I love Harry Potter and sunflowers. I enjoy reading, art, and spending time with my family. I love nursing and being able to help others." Stay tuned for more great Staff Spotlight posts! 🦅 We are Unique. 🦅 We are United. 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Carla Reid: "I teach high school Mathematics for both Umpire and Cossatot River via distance education. I have been in teaching and administration for 35 years. I graduated from Umpire and started my teaching career there. I came back to Umpire after being elsewhere for 19 years which feels full circle since I hope to retire from here at some point. I have raised cattle for 40 years and love riding horses. My wonderful husband, Donnie, and I love to go to Colorado and camp. We have two daughters and sons in law (Vanessa and Brian Sampson and Kyla and Justin Gilbert) and two sweet grandchildren - Lexi Sampson-age 4 and Keidan Gilbert -age 2. I love my students at Cossatot River!" Stay tuned for more great Staff Spotlight posts!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to our JR High Choir All-Region students! All of students worked very hard! Thanks to all the parents and guardians for your support, and thanks to Mrs. Susan Brewer for getting our students prepared!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
View the flyer below to view an exciting basketball league opportunity for our CRSD 3rd - 6th grade boys and girls!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Check these flyers for information about the Umpire Fall Festival!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Attention Class of 2022 Parents and Loved Ones! The deadline for purchasing senior tribute ads for the 2021-2022 CRHS Yearbook is quickly approaching! Please complete the form and submit your payment by Friday, October 29, 2021 if you plan to purchase an ad for your senior. Ad forms may be picked up in the CRHS office or printed using the link below:
over 3 years ago, Cossatot River High School
Senior Ad Yearbook
Vandervoort Elementary students entered multiple pieces of art work in the 49th Annual Cossatot Arts and Crafts Association Art Show. Pictured below are the students that earned 1st and 2nd place in their division. Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
VES Art Show winners
The district has received notice that on Wednesday, October 20th, between 7a.m. and 4p.m., the Highway 246 railroad crossing in Vandervoort will be closed for repairs. We wanted to share so everyone can plan accordingly if necessary. Thanks and have a great weekend.
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to the Wickes Elementary September Star Students! Front row (L-R): Tinley Davis, Montserrat Gomez, and Magaly Salgado Middle row (L-R): Emilce Moreno, Nataly Gonzalez-Antunez, Christopher Marrufo, and Aria McGough Back row (L-R): Jazlynn Hackworth, Sawyer Davis, Alisson Avila, and Justin Campusano Not pictured: Bo Dunlap, Hector Marrufo, and Brailey Zanzeberg
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
WES September Star Students
Cossatot River School District is proud to showcase our staff members in The Staff Spotlight! This edition features Wanda (Dean) Jewell: "This is my 6th year being employed by CRSD. I am the secretary at VES. I previously worked for the Polk County Circuit Judge/Juvenile Office for 9 years, and a local attorney for fourteen years prior to that. I have three sons. The oldest two graduated from Van Cove School. My youngest son graduated from CRHS in 2015. I have recently gotten married and between my husband and I, we have 9 children and 15 grandchildren. I love CRSD! - Wanda (Dean) Jewell, VES 🦅 We are Unique. 🦅 We are United. 🦅 We are Cossatot River Strong!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Join us tomorrow night for the Fall Festival at Wickes Elementary!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Sellers
Wickes Fall Festival
Ms. Pannell's 8th grade science students are learning about parallel and series circuits by creating their own circuits to run a speaker!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
UA Cossatot Representatives visited with Umpire Seniors yesterday to discuss their future options during and after high school. They also brought their spinning wheel of goodies with them!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Students at Umpire High School make pottery in class while studying ancient civilizations!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles
Congratulations to the CRHS students who earned awards at the Cossatot Arts and Crafts Association 49th Annual Art Show! Pictured above from left to right are Allie Thurston, First Place for 10th Grade; Maddy Hoyle, Merit Award; and Chyanne Brown, Second Place for 11th Grade. The art show was held October 8-10, 2021 at King School in Gillham, Arkansas.
over 3 years ago, Cossatot River High School
King Art Show
Cossatot River School District will hold its Annual Report to the Public meeting on Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in the Cossatot River High School Library. El Distrito Escolar de Cossatot River llevará a cabo su Informe Anual para el público el jueves 14 de octubre de, 2021 a las 5:00 en la Biblioteca de la secundaria de Cossatot River.
over 3 years ago, Hanna Burk
Thank you to Deputy Brandon Smith and the Howard County Sheriff’s Office for your commitment to keeping our Umpire students safe! The HCSO rotates deputies at our Umpire campus each school day. We appreciate you!
over 3 years ago, Tyler Broyles